Operation Phoenix - Empire Airsoft LTD

Operation Phoenix 22nd-24th MARCH

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  • Team - Opfor
    Team - Opfor
  • Team - United British Government Forces (UGB)
    Team - United British Government Forces (UGB)
£75.00 GBP
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Operation Phoenix 22nd-24th MARCH


West Sussex Surrey boarder 10mins from lingfield race course





In 2012 the Globe was consumed by a modified Lyssavirus (NBV-1), a form of rabies of which only 10% of the population proved to have natural immunity. The full effects of the disease are unknown due to a constant mutative strain leading to later outbreaks in the previously immune population. Medical research struggled to identify suitable solutions to the virulent NBV-1 leading to large populations being infected and wiped out in a short period.




Emergency services were instantly overwhelmed and the only thing that spread faster than the virus was panic. Schools closed, congregations of people were banned, and social distancing was put into effect. NBV-1 continued to spread, and areas of the country were flagged as red zones – areas with such significant case numbers that travel into these areas was recognised as a general death sentence. Quarantine appeared to be the best protection, with small towns and communities coping better than major transit hubs. The community on St. Michael’s Mount were used as an early case study for the advantages to quarantine from outside influences. Whilst quarantine measures helped cases to slow, transmission rates soon increased when localised supplies ran low. Kitchen cupboards ran bare and as people left their homes to desperately seek supplies, NBV-1 raged on.




The UK Government at the time, worried by the speed and impact that NBV-1 was having, instigated operation “Garden Fence” which involved the creation of a series of fortification rings around London to protect central Government and maintain society. Using the smaller case studies, they urged remaining population centres to adopt similar strategies.




Constructed of concrete, steel and shipping containers filled with soil, the London rings were built in three phases. The outer ring, colloquially known as “The Line”, was formed along the path of the M25. With the speed of fortification, the UK pulled as many resources and skilled people to the safe zones but, with such a high infection and mortality rate, in 2015 Parliament shut the border to protect those that they could from further infection. The walls were guarded, and anyone found to cross the barrier illegally were executed and their bodies burnt under the emergency 2016 “Contamination Control Regulations”.




With the safe zones closed and defended, and Government aid gone - neighbours fought for food, looting and hoarding lead to widespread shortages and crime rates rocketed. With such sustained impact to global infrastructure, society continued to crumble until the disease slowed due to the lack of viable hosts and reduced opportunities of transmission.




With operation “Garden Fence” in place, the Government and population of circa 3.5 million survivors were close to starving. Further crippled by a lack of resources - the power grid was the first to go. Food ran out, water sources became contaminated and a further million people were lost. Over the next 5 years, the remaining Government survivors started to rebuild and regenerate food production, industry, research and medical care. Fracking into the gas fields under London provided a limited and rationed fuel source and crops were planted in every viable location.



With a lack of contact with anyone outside of the wall, the rest of the country were deemed lost and forgotten about. The wall patrols continued, but the smoke plumes of burning towns in the distance stopped and the sightings of survivors dwindled to nothing.


In 2021, limited contact was made with the Deutsche Verteidigungslegion (German defence legion), the States of America and, separately, the North California Alliance. These communications have provided limited access to their assets, but it has been proven that the fall of society has been world-wide.


Based on shared access to extremely limited and failing satellite access and other intelligence obtained to-date, the once unified United Kingdom is still populated by groups of survivors – however their resistance to the transmission, mutations or threat of NBV-1 are unclear. Evidence and current assumptions to-date suggest that the country has likely devolved into localised pockets of organisational structures competing over resources.


In early 2023, the election of the new “Unified British Government” (UBG) lead to the expansion to secure land along the A12 into former Essex and along the A21 into the south of Kent. These minor victories proved to provide access to agricultural land and further resources to bolster depleted supplies. Civilian groups were encountered who proved to be passive with minor insurrections quickly put down. This initial push to regain resources was a test to determine whether the Government could facilitate its wider plan to reunify the UK.




At the end of 2023, the UBG announced their plans for the reunification of Great Britain through the expansion of it’s boundaries, linking with and rebuilding communities outside of the current garden fence. Under the banner “Operation Phoenix”, the start of this movement outside of the walls is planned to start in late March 2024.






This is a MilSim which intends to test your skills. You will be role playing certain roles and expected to follow the instructions and taskings from your command structure. There may be long periods of time that you are inactive, either undertaking stag duties, reconnaissance taskings or roleplaying elements. You will also be required to consider your shots and adhere to the restrictions of the game – ie you can’t just blap everything that moves!




Friday 22nd March

Saturday 23rd March

Sunday 24th March

Arrival on site from 15:00


Game briefings at 18:00


Game Start 19:00


Endex at 08:00


Game Debrief at 09:00









You have been recruited from the London Survivors to join the UBG military forces. You have gone through basic training and then chosen to undertake advanced tactical and survival training for the new long range reconnaissance division.


You have been selected by command to be a part of the first wave of reconnaissance teams to leave the safe zone as part of Operation Phoenix.


You will need to be self sufficient to operate in the field from dynamic locations.


Loadout – Mixed Camouflage Military Equipment, ghillie suits and civilian camouflage.


Team Organisation – 3 Teams of 6 players.






No further information available until after you have booked.


Loadout – Mixture of Civilian and Military equipment (including ghillie suits).


You will need to be self-sufficient to operate in the field from a static location.








Local survivor population.


Loadout – Mixture of Civilian and Military equipment.


You will need to be self sufficient to operate in the field from static locations.


These tickets are available only to selected players. Please speak to Empire Events or November Foxtrot for information.








Specific team kit lists will be provided after booking.


All players are asked to carry a mask. This is for in-game protection against yellow smoke – see ammunition section.


You need to carry three bandages – none will be provided at the game.


Maximum ammunition to be carried at any one time:


Rifleman (Rifle / SMGs)


Support Gun


Sharpshooter (DMR/Sniper)


Side Arms (pistols)

2 Magazines Total


Smoke grenades are allowed in-game.


Yellow smoke is used to denote a chemical agent within the game – Bluefor are not to use yellow smoke. All players are to treat yellow smoke as a chemical attack and apply masks if deployed in your general vicinity (typically within 30m). Players not wearing masks during a chemical attack will be deemed as a critical kill.


Yellow smoke should only be used within the game parameters which will be explained during the briefing.


All other pyro (TAGs, flash bangs, mortar rounds, etc) are not allowed unless provided by the DS team at the event.




You can only be healed by a medic.


If a medic has not reached you within 15 minutes, you are deemed to have died.


First Hit

You are to fall to the ground and remain in place as an injured player. Role-play of injured players are recommended.


You are to look at your watch – you have a 15 minute period before you bleed out.


You can be dragged by a team mate to a safer place to render medical aid.


Once a medic has reached you, they will apply your first bandage and give you a bottle of water (provided by event). Healing takes a MINIMUM 5 minutes or the length of time for the injured player to drink the bottle of water.


The medic must stay with you during this whole time. If the medic is injured whilst healing you, you are both considered to have been hit and the 15 minutes starts again.


Once you are healed can re-enter the game.

Second Hit

You are to fall to the ground and remain in place as an injured player. Role-play of injured players are recommended.


You are to look at your watch – you have a 15 minute period before you bleed out.


You can be dragged by a team mate to a safer place to render medical aid.


Once a medic has reached you, they will apply your second bandage and give you a bottle of water (provided by event). Healing takes a MINIMUM 5 minutes or the length of time for the injured player to drink the bottle of water.


The medic must stay with you during this whole time. If the medic is injured whilst healing you, you are both considered to have been hit and the 15 minutes starts again.


Once you are healed can re-enter the game.

Third Hit

You are to fall to the ground and remain in place as a dead player for 15 minutes.


Role-play of “dead” players is recommended.


You are to return to your Faction’s re-insertion point. This will be explained to you within your briefing.


Once dead – you return to your reinsertion point. You are to wait there for 30 minutes before returning back to the game.


Dead players can re-insert to the game from their insertion point as resupplied. Ie replenished ammunition, etc. Only medics can resupply with medical supplies.




All players can be captured by another faction. This applies to players that have surrendered or been captured whilst injured.


To capture an enemy player, the capturer must specifically say you are being captured. The capturer must state that weapons, radios (all comms) & pyro are “made safe”.


It is the responsibility of the capturer to ensure that captees are made safe. If capturers do not follow this procedure to the full extent, the captee may utilise any equipment not rendered safe as still active – ie you can still use it, a rif, knife or comms.


(Note – injured players must be healed before continuing to use any equipment not “made safe”. Don’t get caught out healing someone and then they immediately clock you with a knife because you didn’t make their weapons safe.) Healing rules are the same as the medic rules.


Captured Players may be escorted to a holding location. If a player is in this location they are to remain there unless one of the following things happen:

  • You are rescued – a friendly player must touch you and say “your rescued”.
  • You are executed – an opposing player kills you (knife kill, etc) – you are now a dead player and follow the dead player protocol.
  • You are in captivity for the maximum 90 minutes (1.5 hours). After this time, you have died in captivity and you are now a dead player and follow the dead player protocol. The 90 minutes starts from the point of capture.




Once you have booked on, you will be subsequently invited to a WhatsApp chat for your dedicated team.


For the purposes of this event – we would ask that you minimise the amount of discussion with potential opposing team players. The exact numbers for the event are being kept secret to aid immersion and will have an impact on the outcome of the event. The event itself is loosely scripted but your actions from the moment of booking on will impact the dynamic of the event and will implicate the advantages and disadvantages of your event.


Further information will be provided on the lead up to the event through your dedicated WhatsApp group.


In addition, join us on the November Foxtrot podcast on the lead up to the event for a pre-event discussion and Q&A session.

Article number: Opfor

EAN: Opfor

SKU: Opfor

Tax: 20%

Weight: 1

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Operation Phoenix 22nd-24th MARCH
Operation Phoenix 22nd-24th MARCH

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